‘Diving Like Ronaldo’ – How CR7 Became The Deciding Factor In A Scottish Court Case


A Scottish pensioner was cleared of all charges after his alleged victim produced a professional dive of which even “Cristiano Ronaldo would have been proud of”.

Frank Cation, 82, was taken to court by Douglas Eglan – who alleged that the pensioner had a spat with him and pushed him to the ground.

The row started after garden shears were left on the fence between the two neighbors property, which lead to a confrontation and the 67-year-old Cation ended up on the ground.

Mr. Eglan on the other hand denied the claim, stating that he had raised his hand to defend himself and not to push the other man.

After CCTV footage was found Dundee sheriff John Rafferty claimed that Cation went down with “a dive that would earn a Premiership footballer a yellow card”.

John Adams, the court prosecutor further added on the dive analogy by claiming that “Cristiano Ronaldo would have been proud of it”.

Ronaldo was even slammed by Iceland coach Lars Lagerback during the EUROs 2016 for his excessive diving.

“Portugal have one of the best players in the world in Ronaldo but he’s also an excellent actor,” Lagerback told reporters.

“In the final of the Champions League against Atletico [Madrid], we saw another performance from someone who could be in Hollywood.”

However, even with a “Ronaldo perfect” dive, Mr. Cation didn’t win a free-kick or the court case as sheriff Rafferty sided with the 82-year-old Douglas Eglan.

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Abhishek Chaudhary
Abhishek Chaudhary = The Blues, who have left an indelible impression on his life. Factoid :- He cried inconsolably for a week when Jose Mourinho was sacked by the bosses at Stamford Bridge 2nd time round. His passion for the beautiful game is only matched by his fascination for beer! Supports Chelsea