Meet Mourinho’s super fan who has inked her body in a tribute to the Portuguese manager.
She might be a granny but she is also one of the biggest fans of football. And now she has claimed to be Jose Mourinho’s number one fan after getting a tattoo of the Special One’s face on her breast.

Viv Bodycote, 59, a die-hard follower of Mourinho has decorated her home with pictures of the new Manchester United boss and has named her pets after him and his wife Matilde.
To take her love for Mourinho to a higher pedestal, now the granny of five has got a tattoo of her idol over her breast.
The latest tattoo is her fourth tribute to the Portuguese Manager. Earlier, she had got her hand inked with a Portuguese flag with the words ‘The Special One’ and another one on her wrist – where she inked the initials of his name ‘JM’.
She also a heart shaped tattoo on her chest with “Mrs Jose Mourinho” written under it.
Viv, who is also an assistant teacher, said: “What can I say? I love Jose. I supported Chelsea when he was manager and now I support him at Manchester.”
“He’s an inspirational manager and I love everything about him.”
“My husband is very supportive and really surprised me when he said he’d bought me a Jose tattoo for Christmas.”
“It took two-and-a-half hours to complete and hurt like hell but I’m delighted with the result. Every time I look down, he’s on my heart.”
She is so obsessed with Jose Mourinho that she ends up thinking about him all day long and wears a ‘Mrs Mourinho’ t-shirt while going to bed.
She has been a Chelsea fan since the age of 15 and was head over heels for the Portuguese manager when he took charge at Stamford Bridge in 2004.
But she changed sides and became a Man Utd fan after Mourinho joined the Red Devils this summer.
She is now saving every penny to get her home decorated with Mourinho themed wallpaper.
She added: “It’s more of an obsession than being a fan.”
“I won’t go out If he’s on TV. I watch every single game and every interview. It occupies quite a lot of my life.”
“It has become a real addiction, he has become an addiction.”
“I like everything about him. I love his personality and I think he is absolutely hilarious.”
“I think he’s the best manager in the world.”