Marc Bartra Posts Encouraging Message Following Surgery After Dortmund Bomb Blast


Dortmund defender Marc Bartra posted an emotional message on Instagram after getting injured in the explosion and underwent a surgery shared his terrifying experience.

Marc took to social media as his family visited him in hospital following his arm surgery.

The team was travelling for their Champions League clash against Monaco. Marc’s lady love rushed to hospital to be with him after knowing that he needs an emergency operation.

ALSO READ: Marc Bartra’s Fiancee Melissa Rushes To His Bedside After Dortmund Bus Bomb Sees Him Break Wrist

Marc Bartra was sitting at the back of the Borussia Dortmund bus when a bomb blast caused damage to both him and the vehicle.

The star will not play for the team for a month, after the blast broke his wrist.

The Spaniard posted a message and a snap of his fiancée and daughter visiting him in hospital on Friday.

Hoy he vuelto a recibir en el hospital la visita que más feliz me hace. Ellas son mi todo, la razón por la que lucho para superar siempre los obstáculos y este ha sido el peor de mi vida, una experiencia que no desearía a nadie en este mundo. El dolor, el pánico y la incerteza de no saber lo que estaba pasando, ni cuánto tiempo duraría… fueron los 15 minutos más largos y duros de mi vida. A todo esto os quiero decir, que creo que el shock de estos días va disminuyendo cada vez más y a la vez se suman las ganas de vivir, de luchar, de trabajar, de reír, de llorar, de sentir, de querer, de creer, de jugar, de entrenar, de seguir disfrutando de mi gente, seres queridos, compañeros, de mi pasión, de defender, de oler el césped como hago antes de que empiece el partido y motivarme. De ver las gradas llenas de personas que aman nuestra profesión, gente buena que sólo quiere que le hagamos sentir emociones para olvidarse del mundo y sobre todo de este mundo en el que vivimos, cada vez más loco. Lo único que pido, LO ÚNICO, es que vivamos TODOS en paz y dejemos atrás las guerras. Estos días cuando me miro la muñeca, hinchada y malherida, sabéis qué siento? Orgullo. La miro orgulloso pensando en que todo el daño que querían hacernos el martes, se quedó en esto. Gracias a los doctores, enfermeras, fisioterapeutas y personas que me ayudan a recuperar y que la muñeca quede perfecta. A las miles y miles de personas, medios, organizaciones de todo tipo, el BVB y compañeros, que me habéis hecho llegar vuestro apoyo y cariño. Por pequeño que sea, me ha llenado increíblemente de fuerzas para seguir SIEMPRE adelante. Necesitaba escribir y desahogarme y así zanjar todo para ya solo pensar en ponerme al 100% lo más pronto posible! Un saludo muy grande! Marc ?

A post shared by Marc Bartra (@marcbartra) on

The post in Spanish says: “Today I returned to receive in the hospital the visit that makes me happier.

“They are my everything, the reason I struggle to overcome obstacles and this has been the worst of my life, an experience I would not want anyone in this world.

ALSO READ:Marc Bartra Undergoes Surgery After Terror Attack On Borussia Dortmund’s Team-Bus

“The pain, the panic and the uncertainty of not knowing what was going on, or how long it would last … were the longest and hardest 15 minutes of my life.

“To all this I want to say that I think that the shock of these days is decreasing more and more and at the same time they add the desire to live, to fight, to work, to laugh, to cry, to feel, to love, to believe , to play, to train, to continue to enjoy my people, loved ones, companions, my passion, to defend, to smell the lawn as I do before the game starts and motivate me.”

“To see the tiers full of people who love our profession, good people who just want to make us feel emotions to forget the world and above all of this world we live in, increasingly crazy. The only thing I ask, THE ONLY ONE, is for us to live EVERYONE in peace and to leave behind the wars.”

“These days when I look at my wrist, swollen and badly hurt, you know I feel? Pride. I look at her proudly, thinking that all the damage they wanted to do to us on Tuesday stayed in this.”

ALSO READ: Marc Bartra Keeps Promise To Loyal Dortmund Fan Who Sat By Herself Amongst Rival Schalke Supporters

“Thanks to the doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and people who help me recover and that the doll is perfect.”

“To the thousands and thousands of people, media, organisations of all kinds, the BVB and colleagues, who have given me your support and affection.”

“As small as it may be, it has filled me incredibly with the strength to continue on and on. I needed to write and unburden myself and to settle everything so I just think about getting 100% as soon as possible! A very big greeting!”

According to Police, players had a close rescue, revealing three bombs was fired at them from the roadside which were packed with metal pins. One bomb was found embedded in a bus seat headrest.

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Jini K Jose
Delhi girl with a Mallu heart. Loves driving on and on, wish to land on moon someday with her car, if she gets off 'Friends' and endless stream of web series. And till that happens, she has decided to turn on the radio and enjoy the wonder ride!