Bale Considering A Hair Transplant As He Is Fed Up Of Using His ‘Man Bun’ To Cover His Bald Patch


The Welsh football wizard, Gareth Bale is fed-up of his ‘Man Bun’, which he uses to hide his bald patch and is considering a hair transplant.

Bale’s bald spot appeared through his ‘Man Bun’ during a match at Euro 2016.

Real Madrid star was hit by tweets about his hair after the bald spot was clearly visible during his heroics for Wales in Euro 2016.

As per the source: “Gareth’s been trying to cover up his bald patch for a while by tying his hair in the bun. He now wants to get it sorted.”

Midfielder Joe has recommended KSL Hair to Bale for treatment, which charges up to £10,000 for the treatment. The treatment is said to take one day at clinics in Cardiff, Glasgow and Kent.

During his time at Spurs, Bale had sported fuller locks.

According to a source: “Gareth’s been speaking to Joe, who has taken the plunge to book an appointment.

Gareth Bale Emma WAGs“He’s followed suit and has it lined up after his season finishes in May.”

“Both of them will be out the limelight for a while so it gives the hair plenty of time to settle in while the cameras aren’t watching them every week.”

Gareth has been dating Emma Rhys-Jones for a very long time.

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Jini K Jose
Delhi girl with a Mallu heart. Loves driving on and on, wish to land on moon someday with her car, if she gets off 'Friends' and endless stream of web series. And till that happens, she has decided to turn on the radio and enjoy the wonder ride!