Nike’s global vice president for football footwear, Max Blau, has revealed the secret behind designing Cristiano Ronaldo’s boots.
The Real Madrid superstar does not lack in confidence but apparently gets more of it from his Nike boots. Cristiano Ronaldo plays a major part in designing his special football boots by adding more than just style in the process.
Max Blau said that the Portuguese superstar steers away from full black coloured boots whenever possible.
“I think he’s amazing, but he’s the first to say ‘I can improve’. He says he can get better and will do his part, but he needs us to do ours too,” global vice-president for Nike Football Footwear Max Blau told.
“That puts a lot of pressure on us. We have to come up with something to help him. That’s how we came up with the new Mercurial Superfly [the boots Ronaldo currently wears].”
“Every player has their favorite colour, and it’s been scientifically proven that the colour of the boots activates chemicals in the player’s mind.”
Confidence is the main influencer in the boot to performance formula, claims Blau.
He said: “When you feel better, you play better. The main reason of the colour is to give confidence. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t like to wear black boots because he says black looks slow and he wants to feel fast.”