The energetic and animated Jorge Sampaoli is an Argentine footballer turned manager, currently managing the La Liga side of Sevilla. He is currently on a two-year contract with the Spanish side.
Not much is known about this stout, bulky yet exciting coach. FootTheBall stumbled across few:
Jorge Sampaoli is nicknamed Don Sampa and Mini-me
THE ROSARIAN![Jorge Sampaoli]()
Jorge Sampaoli was born in Casilda, 30 miles from Rosario, a place famous for Lionel Messi’s birthplace. Cesar Luis Menotti and Marcelo Bielsa are also from this region.
![Jorge Sampaoli in action for Newell's Old Boys, 1979](
At the young age of 19, Sampaoli’s footballing days met a tragic end when he suffered a tibia and fibula injury while playing for Newell’s Old Boys
Jorge Sampaoli is obsessed with Marcelo Bielsa, whether due to being born in the same place or for his managerial skills. In 2007, when Sampaoli’s Sporting Cristal lost 0-5 to Club America of Mexico he felt he had let Bielsa down! He even listens to Bielsa’s coaching lecture while on his jogs.
Sampaoli’s biggest managerial success came in 2011 when he began his coaching stint with Chile’s biggest club, Universidad de Chile. The same year they won Copa Sudamericana without losing a single match. At one point of time, his team was on a 35 match unbeaten streak!
THE CHILE EXPRESS![jorge-sampaoli-vargas-copa-final-2015]()
In December 2012, Chile’s Asociación Nacional de Fútbol Profesional announced that Jorge Sampaoli would take over as manager of the national team where he brought in his art perfected at Universidad de Chile. This move was to qualify Chile for the 2014 World Cup.
Even though Sampaoli’s Chilean side narrowly missed out to enter the 2014 World Cup quarterfinals in Brazil, that did not stop them in winning the Copa America final against Argentina in 2015 using the flamboyant, risky, adaptable form of football.
BE A LEGEND![jorge-sampaoli]()
Sampaoli’s victory at the Copa America earned him a well deserved South American Coach of the year award. He was also named in the final three nominee for FIFA World coach of the year.
Whats more, in a recent outing between Barcelona FC and Sevilla, Lionel Messi, Neymar and Mascherano hugged and chatted with Jorge in a sign of respect for his methods.
![(Photo courtesy: Twitter/@UberFootball)](
Sampaoli has remained consistent on his attacking style of play. He made the following comment about the persistence of some teams on ball possession:
“One night I went to a bar. I was with a woman. We talked all night. We laughed, we flirted, I paid for several drinks of hers. At around 5am, a guy came in, grabbed her by the arm and took her to the bathroom. He made love to her and she left with him. That doesn’t matter, because I had most of the possession on that night.”
Sampaoli was born on a Sunday in a leap year, during winter, it is no surprise than that the Chilean tries to win and find joy on the pitch – as he only gets to celebrate his birthday once in four years.
SWINGING BOTH WAYS?![Jorge Sampaoli]()
Rumours have always been doing rounds since forever about Sampaoli’s sexual orientation, however, the Chilean has never been open about his sexuality – reports in Chile have on multiple occasion claimed that the 56-year-old is gay.